Wednesday 18 May 2011

Hari Guru

ok i know its a bit late since the Hari Guru on the 16 may....
even though this my first year as a teacher but this my second celebration on Hari Guru
first celebration during my teaching practice at SMK Weston, Beoufort....
But this year i got the praise as a guru lelaki bergaya sidang petang...

im not that happy with that title exactly....
nothing to make me proud of...
but since its based on student vote, i wanna say i just the lucky one...
ok back to the topic, i just wanna say to those have been teaching me and all my colleagues, my friends that work as a teacher i wish you all selamat hari guru and hopefully all of us successful as a teacher...


  1. uiyooo..dapat anugerah cikgu paling bergayaa...saketttttt

  2. ahahahaha~....kenenla~...trima jak la seadanya~

  3. sutera kasih: slamat hari guru jg

  4. Knapa ko x suka tu title.. He. Anyway happy teacher's day, awan. :)

  5. sebabnya tu title based on luaran...bukan cara krg best syukur jg dpt anugerah pada hr guru
