Wednesday 27 April 2011

tenangkan otak dan fikiran

beberapa hari lepas adalah hari yg sangat banyak benda mau difikirkan
ujian memandu dan temuduga spp...
kelam kabut dan tidak teratur (that my way)
ujian memandu ambik d KK
interview plak d bandar LD yang 1 jam 30minit dri skul aku...
smuanya pun ambik masa perjalanan
tp smua tu sdh sttle so skrg fokus dgn budak2 aku yg ada yg makin malas tu
nsb keja dorg slalu jg hantar...
klu ndak jd penceramah dan ustaz lg aku
kali budak2 tu tension sdh mendengar so kena hantar keja jak la~
tp aku masih ternanti2 aku punya lesen...napa PMJ blum call aku lg ni
cepat bah aku mau tgk lesen memandu aku tu

Sunday 24 April 2011

my favourites songs right now

all this songs always makes my day....
well im quite addicted with listening songs...
so im suggested all this songs since all of it are truly a awesome

owlcity - enchanted
black eyed peas - just cant get enough
natasha bedingfield - weigtless
plain white T' - rhythm of love
and some old songs
bonjovi - always
the red jumpsuit apparatus - guardian angel

when im nothing to do

especially during weekends since no school....
im only lay down on my bed using my lappy...
open facebook...
playing games...
eat and drinks...
smoking~(pliz dont do this thing)
watch mv and concert of morning musume(japanese girlband idol)....

after all that been done and finally laundry time~....

Saturday 23 April 2011

mau pg pantai

normally klu pg pantai besanya tuk picnic ka....
tp sini klu aku tempat tuk joging....
ok sdh dkt 2 mggu tidak joging....
hr2 bngn lmbt sdh...dushhhh....bila la mau jd sihat ni klu malas mau senam...

tgk2 jak la pantai dlu

budak mau spp

-nasihat tuk diri sendiri- 
-sdh ko stdy pa2 ka tuk spp(blum)-
-sdhla sttle ko punya borang2 smua(blum lg oooo)-
-jd sdh sttle ko punya pengangkutan nnt pg ld(blum lg ging rileks ko dlu)-
-rileks kpala otakmu-lol~

RM10k turn to RM300

since this Monday will be salary day usually for the government worker im wondering where is my money back then....last month i get more than 10k since a "lamsam" from my salary since december last year....but now it changed into only 'boros' i next salary im should be plan what im suppose to do with the money...and importantly do some saving...;)

KK aka kota kinabalu

ok i juz back from kk becoz im taking my 2nd driving test...
and the 1st one was on the april last year....
so if im not taking the test this month the test will be expired...
after learnt about driving closely about 2 hours im quiet confident im gonna pass the test on the other day....
finally~ im pass the test even tough im barely failed....
thank to god~amin~
i wanna show my driving license but since im back to my place on the following day im not get yet my license....
if not im gonna post it....(right now im waiting for my friend arid to post it to me)....

juz back

since im forgot my old blog so decided to make a new one....
for sure my a new life and a new story.....
normally something i want talk about...
something that i think interesting to share about...
ok then im looking forward what can i post later on....